Auto Care Injury
Elbow Pain

Elbow Pain

Suffering from elbow pain after an auto care injury? You’re not alone, and we’re here to help. At Shingle Creek Medical Group, we understand what you’re going through. Our top priority is getting you back on your feet, easing your discomfort, and restoring your peace of mind. Car accidents can cause serious injuries even when you are properly restrained while wearing your seat belt. While a seat belt is designed to prevent you from being ejected from the vehicle during a crash, it can only do so much to prevent your body from experiencing an injury. Arm injuries are common because of how they may get jostled around or how we use them to brace for impact. You may not have any obvious scrapes or bruises, but it is possible to damage the bones, muscles, and other soft tissues that lead to elbow pain after a car accident. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, visit an Shingle Creek Medical Group that specializes in diagnosing and treating car accident injuries.

How a Car Accident Can Affect Your Elbow

In the hours after a car accident, you may not even experience a lot of pain. That’s because your body’s natural response to this type of traumatic event sends adrenaline through your body that can actually mask pain symptoms leading to delayed injuries from car accidents. Once your adrenaline wears off, however, you might start to notice soreness, aching, and pain. When you’re in a car accident, your natural reaction may be to brace yourself with your hands on the steering wheel, dashboard, or another part of the car. The force of impact can send really jolt your arms when braced in this type of position, especially if your elbows are locked. It is also possible for your arm or elbow to hit the window or dashboard, causing an injury.

Elbow Pain

Injury Assesment

Injury assessment and diagnosis is crucial in determining the cause of elbow pain in auto care cases.
Pain management techniques, such as applying a cold compress and seeking professional advice, can help alleviate elbow pain.
Rehabilitation and recovery methods, including stretching exercises and rest, are important for healing and preventing future injuries. Consulting experienced
pain specialists and utilizing advanced treatment methods, such as physical therapy and medication, can provide long-lasting relief and restoration of function for auto care-related elbow pain. The medical team at Shingle Creek Medical Group has extensive experience diagnosing and treating elbow injuries from auto accidents using the latest techniques. Contact us today for specialized care.

What We Do in Auto Care Injury

Chiropractic Care

You’ve found yourself coping with an auto care injury and you’re not sure what to do next. We’ll guide you through the injury assessment process, helping you understand how your pain can be managed effectively. Then, we’ll delve into the key stages of rehabilitation and recovery so that you’re well-equipped for the journey ahead.

Injury Assessment Process

It’s crucial to accurately assess your elbow injury before deciding on a treatment plan. You’ll want a comprehensive understanding of what’s going on inside those joints. Here’s an overview of the process:

• First, we have an initial consultation. This is where you share your symptoms and we conduct a physical examination. physical examination

• We’ll ask about how the pain started and any activities that worsen it.

• Next, we do specific physical tests to determine which structures might be injured. physical tests

• Based on this information, further steps might include imaging studies or specialist referral.
• X-rays or MRI scans can give us more detailed images for correct diagnosis.
• Specialist referrals ensure you’re getting the best possible care. References: Evaluating Acute Low Back Pain Steps for an Accurate Back Pain Diagnosis Lower Back Pain Diagnosis

How An Auto Accident Can Cause Elbow Pain

Elbow pain can be a common result of an auto accident, especially if the impact is significant. Even in minor auto accidents, the force of the collision can cause your arms to be violently thrown around, leading to injuries in the muscle and joints of your elbow. Depending on the severity of the impact, you may suffer from a variety of different types of elbow pain caused by an auto accident.

Elbow Pain Injury

Located in the Twin Cities and serving the entire MinneapolisSaint Paul Metro Areas

•   Elbow Joint pain
•   Numbness
•   Compensation
•   Soft Tissue

 •   nerve
•   Tennis Elbow Surgery
•   Medial Epicondylitis
•   Hand

•   Lateral Epicondylitis
•   Arm Injury
•   Hand Pain

Elbow Pain

Why Choose Our Shingle Creek Auto Care Elbow Pain Treatment

You’re probably wondering what benefits you can expect from our elbow pain treatment. Well, let’s dive into a discussion where we’ll outline how this treatment method not only provides significant pain relief, but also enhances your mobility. Plus, you’ll find that it’s surprisingly cost-effective, providing you great value for your investment.

Lets Get Started

Don’t wait until your elbow pain worsens, take action now and schedule an appointment with a healthcare professional. You’re not just doing it for yourself, but also to keep serving others in the best way possible. If you’ve been feeling persistent discomfort while performing auto care tasks, don’t ignore it. You know as well as anyone that ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away. It’s not about being tough; it’s about being smart and proactive. Take care of your health so you can continue to serve those who rely on your skills. Remember there is cost-effectiveness in early intervention too! Treatments may be less intense and recovery faster when issues are addressed promptly.

Frequently Asked Questions

You often experience elbow pain due to repetitive motions like lifting heavy parts, wrenching, or painting. It’s typically caused by strained muscles, tendinitis, or even conditions like tennis elbow from overuse.

You’re likely to see repetitive strain injuries, tennis elbow and bursitis in your line of work. These are common due to repeated motions like lifting heavy objects or from long periods of working with hand tools.

To prevent elbow pain and injury, you should regularly stretch your arms, use ergonomic tools when possible, and take frequent breaks. Always remember, it’s crucial to listen to your body’s signals for rest and recovery.

Yes, specific exercises can help. Try forearm stretches and strengthening exercises, like wrist curls or reverse wrist curls. Also, taking regular breaks to rest your elbow can significantly reduce the risk of pain.

Untreated elbow pain can lead to chronic issues. You’re risking long-term discomfort, reduced range of motion, and even arthritis. Don’t ignore the pain; it’s your body’s way of telling you something’s wrong.


Are you looking for non-invasive treatment options for your auto accident injury? Shingle Creek Medical  treats many different types of car accident injuries, including whiplash, sprains, strains, as well as back, neck, and joint injuries that can result from low speed, rear-end collisions schedule an appointment.


M-F 9am-6pm
Sat 10am-12pm

Serving The Twin Cities