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#1 Auto Accident Injury Clinic

As the best providers of Auto Accident Injury Clinic in the twin cities, we believe that nobody deserves to live in pain, even as they age, and we will do everything we can to ensure that our patients are comfortable. We’ve built a great reputation by helping auto accident victims recover.
Our doctors specifically focus on auto injuries, giving you the best available treatment options. Recognized for providing excellent care by our peers, attorneys and patients, we’re doing something right! Come in today and see why.

Treating Whiplash Injuries After An Auto Accident

We love having new Auto Accident Injury Clinic patients at Shingle Creek Medical Group! Whether you find us though a friend or online, we always welcome new faces.

Upon entering, you’ll be greeted with a warm welcome from our friendly front office team. We will perform an initial consultation, a thorough history, and a comprehensive evaluation. Next, we will take diagnostic x-rays here on site at our office. We believe x rays play a vital role in evaluating your condition and are key to getting to the source of your pain.

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries sustained in auto accidents, even in low speed collisions. Whiplash occurs when the head and neck are suddenly jerked back and forth, overstretching the muscles, tendons and ligaments. This causes injury and pain. Understanding the common signs and symptoms of whiplash can help accident victims get proper treatment and recovery care.

What is Whiplash?

Whiplash is a non-medical term used to describe neck pain and related symptoms that result from the rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck during an accident. It is medically referred to as a cervical sprain or strain.

Common Symptoms of Whiplash

Some of the most common whiplash symptoms include:

  • Neck pain and stiffness
  • Headaches
  • Shoulder and upper back pain
  • Numbness/tingling
  • Dizziness
  • Ringing in ears
  • Vision changes
  • Fatigue
  • Poor concentration/memory
  • Low back pain

Treatments Offered at Shingle Creek Medical Group

The good news is that most whiplash injuries heal well with proper care, which we can provide at our clinic:

  • Resting the neck to allow healing.
  • Applying ice packs to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Taking over-the-counter pain relievers as needed.
  • Physical therapy exercises to improve neck mobility and function.
  • Chiropractic adjustments to re-align the cervical vertebrae.
  • Anti-inflammatory medications or muscle relaxers.
  • Cervical collars to immobilize the neck in severe cases.
  • Steroid injections to decrease inflammation around pinched nerves.
  • Referrals for surgery if discs require repair or bone stabilizing.

Contact Our Clinic

Being aware of common whiplash symptoms can help auto accident victims identify the injury early. While most whiplash cases resolve on their own, prompt diagnosis and tailored treatments are important for reducing long-term effects and pain. At Shingle Creek Medical Group, our team specializes in treating whiplash and getting patients back to full health after an auto injury. Let us help you recover from whiplash.


Contact Us Today


Auto Accident Injury Clinic

Were the best providers of Auto Accident Injury Clinic in the twin cities. we believe that nobody deserves to live in pain, even as they age, and we will do everything we can to ensure that our patients are comfortable.


Are you looking for non-invasive treatment options for your auto accident injury? Shingle Creek Medical  treats many different types of car accident injuries, including whiplash, sprains, strains, as well as back, neck, and joint injuries that can result from low speed, rear-end collisions schedule an appointment.


M-F 9am-6pm
Sat 10am-12pm

Serving The Twin Cities